A seguire il testo in inglese
Istimada Europa,
sesi una comunidadi de culturas, de limbas,
pòpulus e natzionis diferentis aintru e issas e tottu,
scetti unidas in sa costitutzione de unu spatziu polìticu de paxi, democratzia e bene-istare.
Nosu sardus, a mannu dolu nostru, non podeus intrai in su Parlamentu tuu, poita su sistema eletorale italianu previdit unu collègiu Sardigna-Sitzìlia chi no si lassat eliggi nostrus rapresentantis in sa istitutzione chi decidit de is aspettus fundamentalis de sa vida nostra d'ogna dì.
Esti, si cumprendi, un'àtteru bucconi avvelenau de s'autonomismu e de una classi dirigenti isolana chi, mancai cun fueddus bellus, no as scippiu ni boffiu fai nudda pro donai a sa natzione sarda mancu sa parti de sa rapresentàntzia europea chi si toccada.
Is partidus italianus torranta a si consigliai de votai gente chi anda in su Parlamentu tuu, scetti chi no funti ingunis po curai is interessis de sa Sardigna.
Deu no creu chi custu siat giustu. No appu a votai un'attra borta unu polìticu a non mi rapresentat, scetti chi non mi bollu astènni.
Scioberu sticchiri custa Lìttera in s'ischeda eletorale po denunciai s'assèntzia, mala a bajulare, de sa Sardigna de su Parlamentu Europeu.
Scioberu de fai intèndi sa boxi mia e dei mi movvi po chi sa Sardigna siat aicci forti po ottenni sa soberania sua e pozzat eliggi 7 èuro-parlamentaris, su chi giai fainti natzionis indipendentis cummenti Malta o Cipru, mancai funti ìsulas medas prus piticas de sa nostra.
Istimada Europa, sa speranza mia esti chi custa lìttera ti arribat e chi medas attrus Sardus, residentes in Sardigna o afforas, fainti cummenti a mei e chi pozzant connsci chini faidi di a beru is interessis de issus.
Dear Europe,
You are a community of cultures, languages, peoples and nations different from each other that have united with the aim to build a political space for peace, democracy and wealth.
We Sardinians are, however, excluded from the European Parliament because the Italian electoral system has created a single constituency that combines Sardinia and Sicily.
Sicily is far more populous than Sardinia, so therefore we Sardinians have been prevented from electing our own representatives in the very parliamentary institution where many decisions regarding primary aspects of our daily life are taken.
This is just the latest of many set-backs caused by the autonomism pursued by the Sardinian political class that has been deplorably unable or unwilling to act in order to secure at least some of the representatives in the European Parliament that the Sardinian nation deserves to have. Once again, the Italian political parties invite us to vote for candidates that will certainly not act on behalf of Sardinia.
I do not believe this is rightful. I will not vote once again for a politician who will not represent me, but in the meantime I refuse to abstain.
Instead I will include this letter in the ballot paper to decry the unacceptable absence of Sardinian representatives in the European Parliament.
I would rather cry out and act so that Sardinia could attain full sovereignty and thus elect 7 MEPs as other sovereign nations such as Malta and Cyprus already do, although they are smaller than Sardinia.
Dear Europe, I hope you will receive this letter and I hope that many other Sardinians, either living in Sardinia or abroad, will do the same and will realise who really cares about their own interests.